Merz Aesthetics have devised a scientific way to demonstrate what you might expect from your treatment. The Merz Aesthetics Scales™ is a rating system that measures the skin’s ageing process. The five point scale can objectively rate age-related skin change and share potential results with you.
The scales below show wrinkle scales from 0 to 4. For example if you are at 4, realistically, you will have results matching 2 and so on. The lesser wrinkles you have the better the results, so if you are on a 3 scale, you will be on a 1 or 0 scale after treatment. All results are subjective and never entirely accurate.
Forehead lines
Validated forehead lines grading scale – at rest

0=No lines | 1=Mild lines | 2=Moderate lines | 3=Severe lines | 4=Very severe lines
Validated forehead lines grading scale – dynamic (with expression)

0=No lines | 1=Mild lines | 2=Moderate lines | 3=Severe lines | 4=Very severe lines
Brow positioning
Validated brow positioning grading scale

0=Youthful, refreshed look; high arch eyebrow | 1=Medium arch eyebrow | 2=slight arch of the eyebrow | 3=Flat arch of the eyebrow; visibility of folds; tired appearance | 4=Flat eyebrow with barely any arch; marked visibility of folds; very tired appearance
Glabellar lines
Glabellar lines – at rest

0=No glabellar Lines | 1=Mild glabellar Lines | 2=Moderate glabellar lines | 3=Severe glabellar lines | 4=Very severe glabellar lines
Glabellar lines – dynamic

0=No glabellar Lines | 1=Mild glabellar Lines | 2=Moderate glabellar lines | 3=Severe glabellar lines | 4=Very severe glabellar lines
Crows feet
Validated crow’s feet grading scale – at rest

0=No wrinkles | 1=Mild glabellar Lines | 2=Moderate wrinkles | 3=Severe wrinkles | 4=Very severe wrinkles
Validated crow’s feet grading scale – dynamic (with expression)

0=No wrinkles | 1=Mild glabellar Lines | 2=Moderate wrinkles | 3=Severe wrinkles | 4=Very severe wrinkles