Fat dissolving injections

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Aqualyx fat dissolving treatment

Aqualyx is an injectable compound made from the deoxycholate family of acids. The acids present in Aqualyx cause fat destruction in the body. It  can be injected into different areas of the body, such as the: back, chin, arms, stomach and thighs. When injected into the body, Aqualyx can reduce the appearance of fat to give a smoother, more contoured appearance.

While a person will see changes after one treatment, they’ll usually require more than one treatment session to see maximum results. Aqualyx is intended for those who have good skin elasticity. This is usually (but not always) people 18 to 60 years old. Otherwise, the treatment could cause the skin to appear saggy after injections. ( anywhere from 2 to 6 treatments depending on area size)

Consultation required to assess suitability for this treatment.

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